

The $CPAC token is the custody token created on TRON blockchain. It is a TRC10 token (ID 1003821).
It has a maximum supply of 100 Million tokens.

$CIPX token

The $CIPX token is the custody token created on TRON blockchain. It is a TRC10 token (ID 1003510).
It has a maximum supply of 10 Million tokens.

PAC Global Custody Token ($CPAC)

There is no minimum or maximum stake and the staking rewards are paid to the holders of $CPAC tokens on a weekly base. The staking rewards are paid out in $CPAC tokens. The guaranteed weekly staking rewards are 1 promille or 0,2 % of the stake. This leads to an APR of 10,4 %.

APR = 10,4%

The requirement to hold $CPAC tokens is to have a TRON compatible wallet like Klever or Tronlink. $CPAC tokens can be bought in our Telegram channel: through our regularly posted sales offers using the Seedit bot. Or by depositing TRX or USDT in our exchange wallet: TUJN8jRBgadJhUYxJmx2zZdTHbFRoYT3A1. CPAC is sold at the current exchange rate at the moment of purchase

$CPAC can be converted into $PAC tokens at any time by providing your PAC wallet address and sending back the $CPAC tokens to our founding wallet: TTNrwbhct9UgBk78PsFi3hm1VwA51qnb2L. Also they can be sold back against $TRX or $USDT at 90% of the original value by initiating a trade through the seedit bot.

Tachyon Protocol Custody token ($CIPX)

There is no minimum or maximum stake and the staking rewards are paid to the holders of $CIPX nodes on a weekly base. The staking rewards are paid out in $CIPX tokens. The guaranteed weekly staking rewards are 2,88 Promille or 0,288 % of the stake. This leads to an APR of 15%. Details of how the 15% is defined can be found in the following article: $CIPX staking

APR = 15%

The requirements to get $CIPX tokens is to have a TRON compatible wallet like Klever or Tronlink. And to have a certain amount of USDT in this wallet. By sending USDT to the exchange wallet, the individual will automatically receive its $CIPX tokens at 97,5 % of the exchange value at that moment. $CIPX tokens can be bought in our Telegram channel: through our regularly posted sales offers using the Seedit bot. Or by depositing TRX or USDT in our exchange wallet: TUJN8jRBgadJhUYxJmx2zZdTHbFRoYT3A1. CIPX is sold at the current exchange rate at the moment of purchase.

$CIPX can be converted into $IPX tokens at any time by providing your IPX wallet address and sending back the $CIPX tokens to our founding wallet: TTNrwbhct9UgBk78PsFi3hm1VwA51qnb2L. Also they can be sold back against $TRX or $USDT at 90% of the original value by initiating a trade through the seedit bot.

A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog.

Jack London